RPA Vaccine Fridge Should Not Have Failed

RPA is now asking hundreds of mothers with new born babies to contact them because a vaccine fridge may have been failing.This strikes me as an amazing problem for a major hospital. For more information see the full article from the SMH Low cost temperature loggers have now been available since I started this business […]
Reporting options – a better way

Getting the mix right with reporting It is common practice to print a report of results for future reference. Traditionally there were two extremes – a detailed report that could go on for 30 pages, or a daily/min max report that summarised it all to 30 lines. A better option for many users is the […]
Temperature Monitoring

This is the first blog in a series that will discuss various aspects of temperature monitoring, with a focus on temperature loggers. Much of what is discussed can also be applied to thermometers. One of these blogs will actually discuss the differences between thermometers and temperature loggers. Money, reputation and lives There are some things […]
Pharmacy Guild Donate Temperature Loggers

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia have donated temperature loggers to an “exceptional cause” Over the years we have been approached by a number of charities for discounted or free products. Unfortunately about 30% of our customers are linked with charitable organisations, or are products that are aimed at “good causes”. But every now and then […]
Most common temperature logger mistakes: #1

There are two main causes for this. Getting a new unit and placing it straight in a fridge without starting it Stopping it to retrieve results, and not restarting it The problem is quite simple – the unit is off and has no idea what is happening. This problem tends to lead to some […]
Calibration vs Certification?

We are often asked about temperature logger calibration versus certification. There is some confusion between the two and what is required. This should clarify many of the questions: What is Supplied: 1. Our temperature loggers are tested at the point of manufacture to make sure they meet the specifications. This is the Quality Control […]
Office Dictionary
It’s Friday, so a bit of light hearted content. Here are some entries you are not likely to find in the Office Dictionary: LECTURE: An art of transmitting Information from the notes of the lecturer to the notes of students without passing through the minds of either CONFERENCE: The confusion of one man multiplied by […]
Temperature Logger Comparison
This temperature logger comparison will cover the similarities and key differences between the Logtag Temperature Logger and Thermochron Temperature Loggers. Selecting the best temperature logger is much like selecting the best car – it all comes down what features you really care about. The similarities Fundamentally the Logtags and Thermochrons are the same. They both […]
Seven Reasons Why Software Doesn’t Make Work Easier
The reason companies invest in software is to make work easier – right? Then why do so many users laugh at the idea? After reviewing a large project I came up with seven reasons why the software wasn’t making work easier. Looking at the list I realised that it wasn’t just limited to this one […]
Vaccine Storage Temperature Poster
After the success of our irst Vaccine Storage Temperature Poster, we have now done a second run. We have made some minor changes to the poster. On the front of the poster we have an arrow up and down pointing towards 5°C. We also added the words “Strive for 5” to latch in with the […]
Thermocron Temperature Logger – Testimonials
Here are some of the latest testimonials we have received from our customers. Unfortunately corporate or company policy means that we can’t release the names of most of them publicly. We operate several coolrooms and freezers and the thermocrons do the job for us without us needing to think or worry. We are able to […]
LogTag Temperature Logger – Testimonials
It’s now time to share some testimonials about the LogTag Temperature Logger. As you can see, they are having a huge impact in the vaccine and pharmaceutical industry. Previously we used digital thermometers (Max and Min) which were problematic, high rate of failure, time consuming, could not be verified or to meet NATA requirements. We […]
Humidity logger: The results we needed, not the results we wanted
Today I was talking to a customer who had recently purchased temperature loggers to monitor shipments to Japan. They had problems with shipments being rejected because of moisture damage. This was a new client in a new city in Japan and they were after a special mix that our customer could make. The new city […]
Temperature loggers for epipens – anecodote
Epipens are temperature senstive, so how do you know if they are still effective. Temperature loggers to the rescue! Here’s an anecdote from one of our customers… “My son, Connor, is anaphylactically allergic to wasp stings. If he is stung he can develop breathing difficulties in only a few minutes and needs immediate intervention in […]
Ease of use
Did you know that Solitaire was included in Windows to teach people how to drag and drop? I was told this bit of trivia after trying to explain to a user how to zoom in on the graph in eTemperature. To anyone who has seen it once, it’s really easy. But for a person who […]
Epipen Storage Temperature
Proper storage of Epipens is important. All the documentation available says that it should be stored at room temperature (25°C) until the expiry date. The recommendations are not to store at too high a temperature and not to refrigerate. What happens if it is stored at too high or too low a temperature? In short, […]